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There are two very distinct parts of my brain. One part was formed primarily by my engineering father. “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” Everytime 2+3=5.

The other side lives is a constant state of disarray. I have 100 colored pencils spread out all around me to use 10 in my picture. I write and rewrite the same line of a song for 3 days. There is no reason to the chaos. Ministry has been unexpected here in the Philippines. I wake up in the morning with quite literally no structured plan for my day, even if it is structured its not.

This morning I woke up with a plan. I was going to the schools and teach chapel. My morning was set. I was ready and excited. Seeing those kids light up in the Word and when Andy leads worship. Amazing.. So this was my plan… Until I woke up.

AIM has a policy that no one is alone. Ever. It’s a safety thing I suppose. But this morning it screwed up my plan. One of my teammates got sick last night. It’s fine. No one worry. But they were unable to go teach chapel. In my grumpy spirit, I looked around the room and realized that I wasn’t going to ask any of my teammates to give up “ministry” and stay home. So here I am, healthy and alone in my house while my sick teammate rests.

I had a ministry formula. Going to chapel + singing some songs = disciples made.

And sadly, I do it more than just this morning.

One-on-one meetings + scripture background = true discipleship.

Acoustic guitar + sweet songs = real worship.

Joyful children + good lesson = great bible study.

…Jesus is not in my equations once. All those things are good. But none of them is real ministry.

Seek first the Kingdom of God… and ALL these things shall be added. 

Not seek true discipleship. Not seek real worship. Not seek a great bible study.

 Seek the Kingdom.


And when the Kingdom looks like sitting at home on the couch, I find it.

And when the Kingdom looks like doing chapel, I find it.

When the Kingdom looks like picking up and kissing snotty nosed, sweaty kids,  I find it.

And when the Kingdom looks like sweaty snuggle parties with young girls, I find it.

And when the Kingdom looks like serving my team by doing things I don’t like, I find it.

 Maybe ministry looks just like that- seeking the Kingdom, wherever I am.

Then ALL these things will be added. More things than I know.