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One year ago today, I stepped back in to Nebraska. 

I stepped back a different person, but not knowing who I was. 

I stepped back with an urgency and a fire, but not knowing where to burn.

I came back here. To my parents house. A 21 year old lost women of God. Praying God would show me more of Him.


So here I am a year later, a college graduate, starting my life, a job, a place to live. But I woke up today terribly sick. Actually sick. So sick I couldn't get up and go to work. And somehow I think God needed knew I needed to grieve and hope.

I came back to Norfolk with the intention of staying for a few months tops, then heading out to bigger and better things. See because in my mind ANYTHING was better than Norfolk.

I had  no idea, I would fall in love here. That this would be where God built His kingdom…. using me….

Because my heart is here, more than it was ever in Kenya, Nicaragua or Thailand. I loved there, I could see the good I was doing there.  But I was still unsettled. 

I sat at a track meet yesterday. I got to watch four of the kids I have fallen in love with run and jump and do what they love. 

I will see several of them graduate from high school in the next couple of weeks. 

I am in love. I am in love with these kids so much its crazy. It is strange to me to feel this way. I was willing for God to take me oversees. That was almost more glamorous, The BEST Christians went oversees, only the ones that were really radical. 

Wow i am glad God doesn't work like me. because for me Norfolk was radical

And now i can't imagine leaving. 

The kids who own my heart are here.

and just so they all know… I love you.

My Adventuers may no longer be in the hills of Thailand, or the slums of Kenya, they get to be glamous: BonFires and boating trips, Worship nights and midnight movies. 

But by far the best part about this is, I get to see them go off and be world changers.

One of my favorite people in the world is going on the Immersion trip next fall!
follow his adventures…. at and

2 responses to “A year home: and I’m in love”

  1. Our God knew exactly what He was doing when He sent you back here. No one else could have had or have the impact you are having on the people here. Jesus is using you in places that only you can fill because you were created to fill them. He made you for now, and all of us here are seeing the fullness of that. I can just hear Him saying “well done, daughter of my heart. You have been faithful. Now continue on as I reveal more of my Kingdom right here in Norfolk through you as you live and love as I have loved you.” Yup, that is what Jesus is saying 🙂 You are incredible Michaela, and through Christ you have changed my life. (that’s what I say)

  2. I’m so proud of you chayla! I love you so dearly and I love your precious heart that you have surrendered to Jesus! You inspire me! Can’t wait to see you in a WEEK 🙂 I love youu!!!