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Adjusting. When describing the past week I would say I am adjusting. No matter how hard to you try there are always so expectations coming into a trip like this one. I can tell you one thing, this isn’t what I expected. In previous trips I’ve taken and ones that I have heard about the schedule is go-go-go and then after a week or so we come home exhausted to rest. Here that is quite impossible. If we go-go-go like that for 8 months it may be bad. So we are just living life. Hanging out. Being people. We are learning not to become visitors in this culture but to learn to be embraced and intern to embrace the culture.
That of course has its difficulties, the biggest of which being the language barrier. I have met less than 10 people who speak English since we have been here, and most of them work in the mission. It is very hard to bond with people when you can’t understand them. So added to my to do list when I get home: Learn Spanish.
But so you can see how it is here are some pictures of where we are staying! It is a small town called Jinotepe, Nicaragua and is about an hour drive from Managua.

The girls room at the mission, my home for the next 3 months!

My bed (bottom) and my bunkmate Bekah!

Turn your head to see the lobby in Casa Mateo, a hotel in Jinotepe where we get internet, this is what I am looking at as I write this. (There are parrots speaking spanish to my right)

View from the roof of Casa Mateo, if you look close you can see the mountains and volcanos in the back! 

I will post more pictures of people once we start to build relationships, for now we leave our cameras at home for fear of theft. Thanks so much for your continuous prayers!

3 responses to “Adjusting”

  1. Looks beautiful out there. Im glad you are liking it there so far. Please do keep us updated 🙂 Love you a million swedish fish!

  2. hey lady! Looks like you are having a lot of fun. We will have to do some Spanish stuff together when you get home,I’m starting to get kind of rusty!

  3. Hi Sweetie,
    It is so good to see where you are staying and that you are settling in. NE is having trouble with Fresno St tonight. 14-7 not NE. As you listen to the language you will slowly pick it up. Tyler and Keith had a hard atime today. Lost 3 won 1. I pray for you each night and believe that God will do great things through you all. Love you so much, Grandma