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“Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”





In four years, I have moved 11 times.


11 different places I have called home.

11 different groups of people.

11 different schedules.

11 different lives.


And every move has progressively been harder than the last.

I think the world tells me its because I am ready to settle down and stay. But that’s not it-

I think its because Jesus’ words to his brothers and sisters, are finally becoming mine.


I sat around my tiny apartment living room with the 12 new faces in my life last night. 12 new people I didn’t know a month ago. I was overwhelmed. I was shockingly overwhelmed by how. much. I. loved. them.


I left behind in Nebraska a lot of people I love. People who even now as I think about I miss with a whole huge ache in my heart.


And it doesn’t make sense that I left behind people who I have known and loved for 20 years. And yet I love these new people the same way… with the same depth. With the same intensity.


My heart broke as theirs did. My soul ached as they struggled. My soul rejoiced when they turned to Jesus. My emotions responded in complete love as they talked about their angers and hurts.


It would be so easy for me to write off my family as the 4 people biologically related to me. But there is a whole lot missing from my family if I say that. My family has become the group of people who pursue the Lord alongside me. Its almost as if I have to stop being a family with my own family in order to love my family here.


I bet Jesus missed Mary and his brothers. Probably the same way I miss my parents and my brother and sisters. But yet he knew the truth. Anyone who follows his Heavenly father is his brother. Especially those around him that day.  The ones he motioned to and said “HERE are my brothers and sisters.”


Families are forever changing. And I think, that glorifies God more.



So if you curious- here is my new family…


Shadrach- my co-leader and one of the strongest, wisest men I have ever met, seriously blessed to lead with this guy.

Allie- patient, kind, and strong. The quiet rock and one of my beautiful roommates.

Elizabeth- my other roommate and the ones who makes me smile despite circumstances, and who plays hard and loves harder.

Sarah Beth- the encourager, the one who after a long day you want to crawl up beside.

Hannah- the caretaker. Hannah always makes sure everyone is okay, checkin in daily with her sweet gentle questions.

Sarah- the teacher, who I get to learn from even when she doesn’t realize she is teaching.

Charissa Grace- the passionate lover, she loves with her whole heart, hard, all the time.

Karen- our adopted sister whose passion and love light the darkest places.

Aaron- the eternal joy. Aaron finds joy in everything he does, in every person he meets and in the darkest situations.

Andy- the quiet musician. Constantly praising and seeking the Lords face and lights up when he finally finds his sonship

Shawn- our adopted brother, whose transparency and openness points the children directly into the Father’s arms.

Jeremy- the man of God who can see the situation for what it is, and brings clarity and reason to our lives. 


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