
Explore My News,
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We have made it to Jinotepe, Nicaragua! Our plane was delayed in Miami so we arrive late last night! We are now sitting in a hotel called Casa Mateo. It is about a 15 minute walk from the compound where we are staying. The hotel is beautiful and I will post pictures on the next blog but just to give you a glimpse, on the roof you can look one way and see mountains, including a Volcano and in the other direction you can see a jungle!
Well just wanted to let you know we got here safe! Thank you for your prayer coverage! If you would like to continue praying for the health of our team, both spiritual and physical, we don’t want to get sick! Also pray for the hearts of the people in Jinotepe. It is finally sinking in that this is my home for the next months and I desire to work past the language barrier and truly know these people and their hearts!
If you would like to send me emails you can to [email protected] I would love to hear about all your lives and anything you need prayer over!

4 responses to “Hola Nicaragua!”

  1. Beautiful Michaela,

    I pray you get to meet some truly wonderful people and get to help as many as you can. Come to love the place you are in and understand their culture and they will find a way to love you back and let you help them. Miss you to pieces,


  2. Michaela,

    I’m excited to read your blog! I’m even MORE excited to hear what God has planned for you over the next 9 months and the work He is going to do in your heart!

  3. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see where you are calling home. Pray for you often! Love ya Mom