
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In 11 days, I will leave this place I have begun to view as my home. So before I tell you about the amazing things God has done here in the past week I want to ask you to pray,. Thailand, well it is kinda underwater. As we head there please pray that God will go before us and lay our work out. As that He would begin to prepare the hearts of those people we will touch.

I started to write this blog and literally just started crying. This week will be one, that once this trip is over I will look back and say, that week God changed my whole life. 

Wednesday mornings my squad and I typically go to Los Pipitos (School for Handicaped Children) and a nursing home. Because of rain, the children have not been at the school for almost a month, which was a huge disappointment to our group because we love going there. So after another day of finding out they were not there, we sat outside rather disapointed

As the four of us started to chat we realized that the dumps of Jinotepe were on our hearts. We really all felt like God was leading us to go and feed those people, so at least for one day, they would not have to go to bed hungry. So we walked to grab rice and beans from the market and headed over to the dump.

As we walked, well in my clumsyness I just happened to step in a huge mud puddle. I say mud, but I have a feeling, due to the smell, that's not really what it was. So with "mud" caked in between my foot and shoe and all up to my ankle I continued walking, trying to shake the mud out.

We arrived at the first house, a women we had met and prayed with before and offered her the food, telling her that we were Workers of Jesus and Jesus gave us food for them. We asked her if there was anything she needed prayer or help with. She showed us her beautiful house made of tree branches and trash bags, which she was more than willing to invite us into. Then she noticed I was walking oddly, still trying to shake out my mud. She ran inside her house to retrieve her clean water, her drinking water, a small jug. 

She bent down and washed my feet,
this women I tried to serve was serving me. 

This must have been how the disciples felt, its almost more humbling to be served than to serve. It touched my heart in a way only Jesus could have. 

How amazing that the Jesus who came, perfect, would be humble enough to serve us, mere sinners. 

So as I am trying to become more like Jesus, I need to be more humble. Like the women with nothing- who gave her drinking water to cleanse my feet. 


2 responses to “Humbling”

  1. That would be a very humblig experience. I wonder if she had ever heard that story?Sweetie, it was so nice to hear your voice and to hear a little of what you are doing. SOrry that you have “uninvited guests” in your head again. I am having trouble with the ‘n’ on my keyboard so if words are funny you know why. Love you bunches and miss you.

  2. Hey girl…..I just love hearing these stories. You are such a good writer. Thanks so much for sharing. I think I can probably speak for most and say that these stories are even life changing for us. I think God is using the blog to work in our hearts also. We are praying for you and love you very much. Keep looking to God.