
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

She was blonde.

Blending into the other venders at some huge conference.

She gave me a booklet about AIM.

I kept walking.

                                               I tried to fall asleep that night,

But her face haunted my thoughts.

                                       The next day I sat on my bed

                    on the 23rd story of a hotel in downtown Denver

“I think I’m supposed to do this… “

                I wanted the girls in the room to convince me otherwise.

I wanted them to say “no, that silly.”

I wanted God to whisper, “No but thanks for being willing”

I was scared to death.

I can’t raise $11,000.

I can’t spend 9 months away from home.

I can’t open my heart to strangers.

                                                                                           I sat with my squad leaders yesterday

                                                                         They told me to be confident

                                                                       They told me not to perform

                                                                                                           They told me to call out the burdens in my team

My response?

I can’t.

My guess is, if you are reading this you are human.

                                Good guess?

My other guess is there is something in your life and you are saying “I can’t.”

                                  Your right,

              just like I was right that day in Denver.

                      Just like I said yesterday,

                                    I can't

But there is great news.

You see there was this baby.

You are probably singing about Him right now.

and He can.

                      and because He lives in you,

You can.

                     and because He lives in me

I Can.

2 responses to “I can”

  1. For such a young lady you are so wise. God is using you in mighty ways. Makes me really wish that I had known God better when I was your age and was as willing as you are. Continue to rely on God and set an example to each person that God puts in your path.

  2. First of all….I love you. I have thought of you often. I have thought about how it has been hard for me to jump into these changes as a team leader and I can’t even imagine how different and hard it must be for you to jump into team leading. I am so proud of you.
    I am praying for reliance and boldness for you.