
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As many of you know I just completed leading a Passport trip with Adventures in Mission to the Philippines.

While my team was here, an incredible storm hit land. It was the worst storm ever to hit land and it did here in the Philippines.

Over 4.4 million people were displaced.
10,000 people are lost or confirmed dead.
1.7 million children and young women are at risk for exploitation.
Hundreds of thousands orphaned.

I couldn't sit still… I lay awake at night praying for the people… my heart ached… my soul was touched…

All those children. running the streets. hungry. alone. 

My heart could not leave behind the brokenness I heard and saw. It wrecked me.

They needed someone. They needed help.

God sent me.

It was a feeling put on my heart from Heaven. 


So I am here. a week removed from my team leaving. about to embark on a journey that God had written in my life plans since the beginning.

My job assignment:

feed the hungry and restore joy to the children.

Tomorrow morning (Monday) at 8 am I leave for the city of Tacloban. It was destroyed by Typhoon Yolanda.

what I will see, who I will meet, stories I will hear… I don't know what to expect.

But I know God will show up. Mostly because I will be lost if he doesn't… 


Please join me in prayer:

In life change- that God would give me the actions and words to give these people hope not found in anything but Him.

Health- spiritually and physically. I will be sleeping in a hammock eating what food we can bring and find and seeing life destroyed like I have never seen it.

Financially- In donations for supplies for those affected and my visa costs and such… if you would like to help please send a check to 
                      Kids International Ministries (K.I.M.)
                      P.O. Box 1369
                      Lawrence, KS 66044
                      With Michaela Finn in the memo.

