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One of our biggest ministries in Nicaragua has been in the Barrios. My team has found our hearts drawn to one specific place in the barrios, the place we have come to call “our street.”

This week we had the special honor of going into their home, and cooking them food. For one afternoon we got to live like the people we minister do. 

We walk onto the street and recieved our typicall greeting,


Followed by a mass of children running towards us. The whole afternoon was incredible and it was amazing to spend quality time not only with the children, but with their parents.

I am still struggling to put this whole experience into words, so I will let the pictures do the talking. Here are some pictures of the children on the street that stole my heart.


This is our view walking to the barrios, Nicaragua is beauiful.

These boys LOVED doing my hair, we are sitting on their cement floor
(Don't worry, I already have lice :))

This little guy never has on pants or underwear, luckily we caught him with a shirt today! 

Altuto is their favorite word, we think it means pick me up, because thats always what they are asking!

Estephan is one of my favorite children, he is so precious and needs to be loved on!

My teammate Travis has seemingly adopted this little boy Ricardo, this goodbye will be our hardest.

I got to paint all the little girls hands. All of Jesus princesses love to look pretty!

My team leader Ross is the chef of the afternoon. This families kitchen included this stove outside the house and a small dishwashing station, also outdoors.

My teammate Haden playing baseball with a broom handle a small ball and trash piles as bases.

Precious Esther, she is the fiestiest little girl I have ever met, and I just love her to pieces.

Showing two little girls how to laugh and play in a place where being a child is very hard.

2 responses to “Lunch on our street”

  1. Precious, Precious children!!!! I can see it will be really hard for you all to move on. May God continue to show his love to these kids. May He continue to send people into their lives to lead them towards Him as they group up.

    Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us. Truly a blessing.

  2. Michaela, these pictures are fantastic! You have a gift my friend. Keep photo journaling. These pictures are priceless.

    Praying for you as you step into some a new coat. 🙂 You were chosen for such a time as this…