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His hands were so little,
His body too small.
His weak little cry,
made my heart fall. 

Completely abandoned,
Completely alone
At 8 little months
No home is his own.
For months he’s been here
Most of his life
Laying sick in a hospital
He can’t eat a bite.
Left alone
His life had barely begun
Parents addicted to drugs
They forgot their small son.
His bones were too brittle
I thought they would break
While I held him close
My hands began to shake.
Tears filled my eyes
As we started to pray
My small little sobs
Gave my emotions away.
How could he be here,
How is it fair
That this small little boy
Had no one who cared?
Where was God now
For this small little child?
I guess God sent me
For a short little while.
But God can’t forget
Little Felix’s cries
Because God loves him more
Than those devil’s lies.
He isn’t alone
Not now or ever
Because God sent His son
For Felix’s forever.