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Thoughts & Inspiration

There is a time for everything…
A time to weep and a time to laugh…
A time to search and a time to give up,
A time to tear and a time to mend,
A time to be silent and a time to speak…
I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it. And nothing taken from it. God does it that men should fear before Him. 
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-14

Any of you who have hung around a church long, or gone to any type of Christian Conference, or done any type of missionary work understand what I mean when I say "spiritual high." It typically doesn’t last long, and you probably also remember the disappointment that comes when that “high” runs out and you return to normal mundane life.

If you are anything like me you wonder, "what is the purpose of these roller coaster highs and lows?"
But what I am learning is that every season, the highs, the lows, and the everything in between, is all to teach us to fear the Lord, to praise and honor Him with every breath we take, with every season we are in.
This week has been, well, a roller coaster.
It was a time to weep- as we said goodbye to Jinotepe, the home and the people for
       our last two months.
It was a time to laugh- as my new family skipped together down the streets of San
       Juan, rejoicing in the new journey we would begin together in Thailand.
It was a time to search- search for God’s plan in this next chapter with a new family.
It was a time to give up- give up all expectations I have for what Michaela wants her
       life, to give up the rights to my life to Jesus.
It was a time to tear- tear away hurts that have burdened me for so long, tear away
       sin that has distanced me from the Lord.
It was a time to mend- well more to let Jesus mend my broken heart, to let my spirit
        find rest in His overwhelming glory.
It was a time to be silent- To listen to the Lord, and his plans for me and the new
       family I have been called to lead (Jake, Haden, Elisa and Anna).
It was a time to speak- Speak life into those on my team, Speak encouragement to all
       those who I come into contact with, to speak truth over the country of

But most importantly, through this roller coaster, I try to follow God’s will for my life,
Be JOYFUL always, PRAY continuously and GIVE THANKS in all circumstances,
            For this is GOD”S WILL for you in Jesus Christ.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18