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Today I had several people come up to me and ask how I feel about this being my last day of “being 20.” I have a feeling this odd question came from God, getting me to process what this day means. I started to process what this whole year has been and how it drastically changed the course of my life.
If you had asked me last year if I would spend my birthday weekend horse-back riding on the Pacific Ocean beach in Nicaragua, I would have probably looked at you like you were crazy and laughed. But here I am, on what I am sure will be one of the biggest adventures of my life, but I took the time today to reflect on my 20th year.
Change. I look back to my birthday a year ago, and I am amazed at the places, events and people God placed in my life to bring me to my birthday this year. Whoa… But today I place my past behind me. I close the chapter in my life book that was ’20.’ Today I write a new chapter.
Discovery. While I am sure this year will change the way I view things, I truly believe that my ‘21st’ year will be all about discovery. Not discovery of worldly things., or even things I will be able to tangibly feel. But discovery of who I am in Christ. And this is a chapter I am excited to write!