
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am sitting on the plane on my way to Miami and in less than 6 hours I will be in Nicaragua! As I am writing this tears are beginning to fall down my cheeks and it is all I can do to praise God for bringing me here. I am in absolute awe at how He has placed this path ahead of me.
I want to thank all of you for your part in the journey. It has been a process of complete trust and uncertainty that it would all work out. I have never felt so covered in prayer as I have these past weeks. Thank you so much. Your prayers mean more to me than I can ever express.
I also want to thank those of you who gave to send me on this journey. I have been overwhelmed by your generosity and willingness to let God use you to help me! I am completely fully funded! Praise God!
Well… off to change the world!