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Tuesday night my body decided to work against me, for some reason everything that was in my body suddenly wanted to be out of my body. 

Thanks Jesus.

Wednesday I was supposed to go teach English at a local Thai school. I stood up to get ready and almost passed out and immediately crumbled into my bed.

Thanks Jesus. 

Wednesday night I went to go play with the children at the orphanage where I live. I made it to the door when the whole room started spinning.

Thanks Jesus. 

As you can tell, I am awful sick.

Thanks Jesus.

Its easy to be Thankful when I am well. It is easy to be Thankful that I get to spend this Holiday living with 40 orphans in a beautiful country.

Its a lot harder to be thankful and have a joyful heart when I am stuck on the floor.

But maybe thats the point.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will in your life.

So, thanks Jesus.

Happy Thanksgiving!