
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

One of the women going on the trip with me posted this video that completely changed the way I view life. There is a part of the video where the speaker is talking about his 4-year-old son, and he talks about how if his son, Hudson, were alone in Liberia, with no one to take care of him, this father would do ANYTHING to get to his little boy. And as this father speaks, God spoke to him “That’s my Hudson.”

My heart broke.

I knew, that if those I loved were in peril, I would be the first to run to their aid. My heart has broken for those in Nicaragua, Malaysia and Kenya, all those people who I will get to serve in the next year. I have a longing to share God’s love with them and to show them the joy found in His Spirit.
But what about the homeless man on the corner near my home, what about the college freshman who overdosed on drugs, what about the women crying in the student center?
God’s heart breaks that they are in pain too. But why doesn’t mine? Why have I purposely turned away from these people in the midst of their pain? They are God’s sons and daughters, but I treat them more like strangers, than other sinners loved by God.

Let me see them as you do, Lord. Break my heart to their pain, and allow me to come along side them to show them a love that only comes through you. Let me be a light to those around me now, not only to those around the world. Rid me of my pride, give me Your servant’s heart to care for these people in the way only You know how.