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Today is the King of Thailand’s birthday. So on this day Thai’s celebrate their fathers. So I wanted to take this blog to celebrate my daddy.
I know I am all grown up, but I want you to know that I remember.
I remember lying on my bed listening to you read to me for hours.
I remember all the time you took to make me a ridiculously awesome blimp piñata.
I remember the nights after work, as tired as you were, that you would catch for me.
I remember the time you spent reading my textbooks, just to check my math.
I remember all the sacrifices you made so that you could be there to be my daddy.
And because of you, I know how to love with my whole heart. I want you to know, that because of you daddy, I try to live my life honorably. You taught me lessons only a little girl’s daddy could. You loved me in a way that taught me to love. I want you to know, that because of you, I know how my heavenly father loves me.
Daddy, you showed me that I am a princess worth loving, and because of that, I can love these princesses of God that have no daddy. And I can teach them that there is a heavenly father that loves them so much. And every time I think of you, I can see a little bit of the vastness of the Father’s love.
All that to say, I love you daddy,
your little girl