
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The quiet whispers in my head haunt my every move,

             "You don't deserve to be loved."
                                                                                            "You don't know anything."
                             "You always mess up Michaela." 
                                                                                                    "No one likes you."

These quiet lies have owned my heart for such a long time. So long that I couldn't see them as lies, only as definitions on my life. As my launch date approaches, I feel the lies constantly attacking me. I have never been more excited for an adventure in my life, yet the devil places this sickening feeling in my stomache that I am not ready, not worthy. I ask for your prayer these next two weeks as I prepare my heart for this journey. Pray that I can hear the truth and the voice of the Holy Spirit. So I will end this blog with the beautiful truth God has given to me.

I am a princess.
I am beautiful.
I am fearless.
I am loved.
I am a child of God.
I am free.
I am a warrior. 
I am worthy through Christ.
I am going to change the world.