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  Courage doesn’t always roar.

Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says,

‘I’ll try again tomorrow.’


Someone real wise wrote this.

I don’t know who, but whoever it was- I want to sit down and have tea with them.

Because courage for me this past week has not looked like roaring lions, loud proclamations, or fighting large battles. It didn’t look like facing my fears, stepping into the dark places, or conquering my enemies. 

This week courage looked like sitting silent while my character was attacked.

      Then whispering prayers that God would bless the attacker.

Courage looked like turning the other cheek when someone said they didn’t like me, and didn’t want to try.

      Then continuing to love them anyway.

Courage looked like walking into a room to hear gossip and slander being spread about me

     Then hugging those girls, who didn’t know I heard, minutes later.

Courage looked like going to bed in tears, knowing tomorrow I would wake up to the same attack. And waking up in the morning with terrible knots in my stomach,

            And getting out of bed anyway.


Courage looked more like a small whisper from a broken heart.

A small amount of hope in the midst of pain.

Pushing through the hurts to the other side.

Courage isn’t always loud, sometimes it’s the small voice that tells me, 
“Its okay to keep going, you are going to make it because I AM here.”

Courage is the voice of Jesus when I have all but given up.

Courage is the way sweet scripture sounds when it feels like the world is against you.

God makes such beautiful things out of our disasters and fears. He finds our weaknesses and shows us He is stronger than my biggest problems: rejection, being alone, attack.

it takes insane amounts of courage to follow our God the way he calls us to.

Courage doesn’t always look like words.

Courage just looks like a willingness to say- “I am going to follow you, wherever you lead, without fear of the world, because you have conquered all.”

One response to “World Conquering Courage… kinda”

  1. Beautifully written about our feelings. Keep looking
    up to the Lord, for he says I will never leave you or
    forsake you. He is my helper,I will not fear, what
    can man do to me. Hebrews 13:5,6 You are so
    precious aunt Vivian love you